Ohio Courts Building, COLUMBUS, OH
Enabled practical use of an architectural landmark, while preserving the state's heritage by protecting and maintaining the building's irreplaceable architectural and artistic detail. In addition, by consolidating Ohio's judiciary in a single facility, the renovation enabled more effective and efficient administration.
Dynalectric completely restored the 17-story, 416,000-square-foot Ohio Departments Building.
This project involved restoration of the 70-year-old Ohio Departments Building, a historic landmark and prime example of Art Deco, for tenancy by the State's judiciary, including the Ohio Supreme Court. White House historian William Seale praised the project, noting that the building's architectural and artistic detail, make it one-of-a-kind, "no building like it will ever be built again."
The State's General Assembly voted to restore an Ohio landmark building as a way of meeting the current and future space requirements of the State's judicial branch and the Ohio Supreme Court without incurring the cost of new construction.
While preserving the building's architectural and artistic integrity, Dynalectric transformed the landmark building by installing the up-to-date technology required to meet the needs of Ohio's Supreme Court and affiliated offices.