Nationwide Insurance Company, COLUMBUS, OH
Ongoing maintenance and tenant buildout, maintenance of critical systems, and fast, reliable high-quality response enables the client to avoid unscheduled shutdowns, so it can continue generating revenues and achieving its growth objectives.
Dynalectric provides on-site and immediate service for tenant buildouts and retrofits, as well as complete electrical and teledata service and support at various other sites.
Nationwide Insurance is one of the largest insurance and financial services companies in the world, with more than $117 billion in statutory assets. Nationwide consists of three core businesses, domestic property and casualty insurance, life insurance and retirement savings, and asset management, which offer a full range of products, including auto, fire, life, health, and commercial insurances; administrative services, annuities, mutual funds, and retirement plans. The company is also engaged in strategic investments.
The client seeks electrical maintenance and services that will help it avoid any disruptions to its business.
Dynalectric provides skilled electricians that minimize downtime. Furthermore, Dynalectric has worked numerous "scheduled shutdowns" at the corporate data center without a problem.